Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I'll meet you in Chasing Amy at 2:30


Ya, that's the thought that crosses my mind sometimes when I look at the meetings I have at work. So let me take you a step back and explain.

The conference rooms at my company are all named rather creatively. Each building has a theme and since we have quite a few buildings, there are some rather interesting themes. The building that we just moved out of has conference rooms named after space related things, like space stations, shuttles, etc. Perfect for a space geek :)

We just moved into a new building and all of the conference rooms are named after college teams. I sit next to the Arizona Wildcats room. The building planners clearly took their time thinking this out since the 1st floor is named after Pac-10 teams, the 2nd floor is all ACC teams, and the 3rd floor is SEC teams.

So it's a bit odd telling people to meeting me in the Cal Golden Bears conf room, but let me tell you, there are really some odd themes in some of the building. The title of this post refers to the movie Chasing Amy, which is a fine film. But to name a conference room after it? Umm, that's pretty odd. It turns out that all of the conference rooms in that buidling are named after films. Psycho, Austin Powers, Risky Business, The Joy Luck Club. Man, I'm glad I don't work in that building.

And don't think these themes come out of the blue. The building we have in Irvine has rooms named after rides at Disneyland! Autopia, Big Thunder Mountain, Matterhorn. I'd feel like I'm on vacation every day if I worked in that building.

The most boring naming scheme? We've got a building named after things you find at work: Cafeteria (no, it's not the actual cafeteria, just a conference room named after it), Finance, and Sales & Marketing.

The scheme that makes me the most nervous: Natural disasters. Can you believe we have rooms called Avalanche, Earthquake, Monsoon, and Tsunami?

The kicker? Every single one of these rooms has related items on the walls. The Cal Golden Bears conf room has an actual Cal pennant framed on the wall. The Apollo room has a framed photo of the Apollo space module which went to the moon.

My point? I can write extensively about the most random nonsense.

1 comment:

CoffeeFreak said...

Anirban can confirm this but I'm told that at Yahoo, the conference rooms all have names like "Sane", "Ebriated", "Corrigible", "Ept", etc.
So, if I ask someone, "Where's Jigar?" They can happily reply, "He's insane."