Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Snap! Crackle! Click!

Okay, so I'm going to try something new here dedicate some space to photography that interests me. I've obviously blogged about the photog biz and my interest in it. However, I've been in a funk lately in terms of the creative side of photography. I try to be as creative as possible during event coverage even while I'm capturing the basic stuff. However, I feel like I can't spend enough time just taking photos for the fun and creativity of it.

One way that I get inspired to take more photos for myself is to look at other people's work. Not to find things which I'd like to emulate or copy, but just to get my juices flowing.

So what I'm going to do is post about photos or photographers which I've found on the web and which I want to tell other people about. I'll try to do this weekly, but it may happen more or less often than that. And just to keep things silly, I'm going to title the posts "Snap! Crackle! Click!"

Ok then, so to start things off, let me refer you to someone I just found on Flickr. In fact, this is the first time I've spent any time at Flickr, and I'm ashamed that I haven't spent every waking moment on this site. It's not just a photo sharing site, there have been entire communities built around it. When I finally get around to taking more of my own photos, I'm definitely going to share via that avenue. In the meantime, here's someone I'm quite impressed by:

Sandip Debnath - He's got quite a few photos on there, but just start out with the set that I've linked to. The colors are obviously amazing, but it's really the angles which I'm so thoroughly impressed by. With our business now, I dare say that we're getting pretty skilled at making technically wonderful photos. It's the angles and the vision that make up inspirational photos and that always challenges me. Furthermore, I try to challenge myself on these things. The part that makes me really nervous about photography is getting in peoples' faces if they don't want to be photographed (I don't have that concern when I'm a hired photographer, but in everyday settings, it's still a challenge for me). It's a real talent to take great photos despite this concern. Mr. Debnath has clearly conquered that challenge and I hope to completely conquer that challenge. Props to him for his portfolio.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Sandip's images. Thanks for sharing that link. As far as getting in front of people - it's a matter of wearing your diplomatic hat and smiling. If you are photographing something that is clearly controversial or could be considered taboo, then approach people gingerly. But generally people don't mind being photographed and like the folks in Sandip's images will often stare right back at ya (that's India for you). In the US and the West where people's privacy is at an all time premium, you do have to watch where you photograph and how you photograph. There are lots of wonderful websites on street photography. Email me and I'll send you some links or check on Tiffinbox.