Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I Am.

So it took me a while to get around to actually posting again. In fact, there have been many moments since April when I've wanted to post, but never actually loaded up blogger. The most recent moment is what I decided would be my step back into the fray...whenever that happens.

Well, I've finally loaded up blogger and that moment is now so let's jump in with something that really filled my heart with "gladness" and put a grin on my face.

A few weeks ago I saw this foreign film called "L'Auberge Espagnole". Literally, it means "The Spanish Inn". It's about an French exchange student who goes to Barcelona for a year as part of the Erasmus program. Don't ask me what that program is, since I don't know. It seems like a program to bring various foreign students together to experience a new country. As one would imagine, the film is really about learning new things, opening oneself up to the various opportunities out there, and simply exploring life for what it's worth (It's definitely a film worth watching as it's not too "out there" in the way some foreign/artsy films can be, but it's definitely more fulfilling than most of the crap that put out there)

Now, I've watched a lot of foreign films in my day. Many of them have this same sort of message. While watching these films I generally end up thinking "I wish I could do something like that"

But you know what? For the first time, while watching a film like this I actually thought "I Am"

I Am exploring new opportunities.

I Am enjoying life for what it is.

When I realized that, I couldn't help but grin. I looked over at my wife who was sound asleep, looked over at my dog who was thinking about walking over to me for a chin scratch, and I smiled. I nodded my head.

I Am.


So to fill you in as to why there's this sudden change, part of the reason that I haven't posted in so long is because I've been busy with a new business venture that a friend and I are pursuing. After so many years of thinking about it and doubting myself, I'm finally following the path to becoming a professional photographer.

I can finally say that I Am pursuing my photographic passions.

Additionally, my wife and I made the big decision to start a family. There's nothing baking just yet, but just the decision alone has really changed my view on some things and created this lasting optimism that wasn't there before.

I Am going to be a father...who knows when though so don't ask and don't take this is the official announcement since there's nothing to announce yet :P

And just as a final addition, can I just say that we have the best friends? A friend got married this summer & another got engaged and, as expected, it brought all of us just that much closer. Yet another reason to smile.

So anyways, I've been very silent in the online universe, but in the past 141 days I found so many reasons to smile and be happy with where we are in life. And the next time I watch one of these films, I'll still think "I Am." and not wish I could be some place else in life.

I Am in the place I want to be.


Atul Teckchandani said...

This is a great inspirational post Jigar. I also agree that 'L'Auberge Espagnole' is a great movie. And I definitely agree about the friends comment -- we're very lucky in our friends circle.

Anonymous said...

In the immortal words of Rob Schneider - "You can do eet!"
