Tuesday, September 26, 2006

It's On

Not bad...only two months of being too lazy and distracted to post on my blog. But it's on now.

As usual, there have been a few random topics that I've thought about blogging, but none of them drove me to click "New Post". Except Pres. Clinton's interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News. If you haven't seen it, have fun. I happened to be flipping channels Sunday night trying to avoide a hangover from too an afternoon of wine tasting and I came across a re-run of the Fox news program. It's not something I usually watch, but I had to stop there since Clinton was on and it's not an everyday thing to see him on Fox. Anyways, I was glued and as I expected, it's been all over the news since then.

But this post isn't really about the interview. Everything to be said about it has been said. I'll only add that I was smiling during the whole thing since Clinton said what so many others haven't been willing to say.

What really got me to click back to Blogger after so long is the Newsweek International site (Via).
Check out the image grab I've got here. It's a listing of the current (Oct 2) global issues of Newsweek. Notice something odd? The non-US versions carry a cover highlighing the "Jihadistan" article within while the US version highlights a piece on Annie Leibovitz. So just to be clear, both articles are in all versions of Newsweek globally, but Americans don't have to deal with another reminder of where we are with our fight against terror.

Seeing this difference didn't make me think that the media is fucked up. There are certainly some jacked up things which the media presents to us all the time. But this is really about we as Americans and, more generally, about human nature. As a whole, we just don't want to hear this bad stuff, especially when it relates directly to the War on Terror. Sure it's a downer, but it's still happening. And I keep noticing more and more instances of us blinding ourselves to the reality of the situation.

I had not really been focusing too much of my attention on the assessment of where we are. This was mainly because I felt like I already knew things were bad and not too many new facts have been coming out which would convince nay-sayers that things really are pretty fucked up. But seriously, Clinton's interview got me riled up. Just like Clinton handled Chris Wallace in a "Fuck That!" type of attitude, I'm pretty much in that same mindset. Fuck That!

We've been too soft on how fucked up our current admin has made things and MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY we've been too soft on ourselves for the role we have to play as citizens.

Anyways, I'm always reading so much on politics, the war of terror, and general state of things...I'm going to try to highlight the most interesting stuff over the next few weeks. We've got elections coming up and it's our job to know as much as possible in order to go to the polls as an informed populous.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I subscribe to Newsweek and was surprised to find Annie Leibowitz on the cover. Love her photographs, but thought it was odd to have her on the cover at a time when so much was going on in the world. The "Jihadistan" article is inside...if you don't skip over it to get to Annie's feature article.

Here's a great site to get backgroun on the healthcare initiatives on the ballot for Cali: