Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Accomodating Blogs

Ok, more blogging about blogging...

The NY Times has acknowledged the importance of blogging (and web deep linking) in a significant way. Not by simply publishing articles about blogging, but by providing a way for bloggers to link to their articles for posterity.

For those that don't know, the NY Times gives you today's news for free, but if you want old news, you have to pay for it. That in and of itself is a bit odd, since new news should be more valuable than old news, but let's leave that bit alone. The important thing is that if you read an article and want to tell others about it, you can send them a link to the article, but it won't be valid come the next day since people will have to pay for it. That sucks.

Well, now NY Times has provided a way to get permanent links which will always work. So you can use these links, pass them to friends or post to your blog. If people click on the links tomorrow or a year from now, they'll still work. Cool.

Here's the page you can go to if you think it'll be useful:

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